How to Heal Snoring
You’ve had a long day and are looking forward to a sound, peaceful sleep… but just as you fall into a deep slumber, you hear that loud, dreadful snoring from your partner. So you shake her and tell her to stop. You may even kick him...or pour water on his head. Nothing seems to work. Snoring isn’t just a nuisance for others, it’s also problematic for the snorer. This article will share some natural tips on how to stop snoring.
The biggest problem with snoring is that it interferes with sound sleep, which, as noted in my previous articles on sleep, is essential to your optimal well-being. Snorers usually do not get a sound, continuous sleep, resulting in decreased ability to concentrate and drowsiness during the day. Years of inadequate sleep can contribute to chronic health problems, from diabetes and weight gain to immune deficiency, and even an increased cancer risk. You probably never considered that snoring could interfere with the quality and length of your sleep each night...but it does. And here’s what you can do about it, naturally.
Simple Home Remedies for Snoring
Sleep sideways. For some, this simple remedy may be effective, as it prevents the tongue from falling backward in the throat.
Raise the head of your bed. Try placing a 4-inch-thick wedge or block under your mattress to elevate it.
Use a neti pot. This most effective remedy will help clear out your airways and minimize swelling in your nasal passages. (See my article on neti for details or contact me.)
Do not eat a large meal at night. A full stomach can push against your diaphragm, further hindering your ability to breathe easily.
Try nasal strips. These adhesive strips can be applied to the bridge of your nose so that your nasal passage area can be broadened, improving your breathing. Don’t drink milk before bedtime. It can make snoring worse since it forms a mucus layer over your throat and tongue.
Avoid alcohol and sedatives. These drugs can depress your central nervous system and relax your throat muscles.
Use essential oils. Oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, and tea tree have remarkable effects on opening the nasal passageways and reducing or eliminating snoring. Add to an aromatherapy diffuser in your room or put a few drops to a base oil and rub on your chest. It works wonders and also promotes restful sleep.
Snoring can be caused by:
• Mouth anatomy such as enlarged tonsils or adenoids, a deviated nasal septum, or nasal polyps • Nasal inflammation or congestion • Sleep deprivation • Drinking alcohol in the night • Sleep apnea
Note that if your snoring comes with other symptoms then it may be a case of sleep apnea, in which case you should seek professional help. Because sleep apnea can provoke or exacerbate other health problems, it is absolutely necessary to address this breathing problem immediately. Symptoms such as waking up with sore or dry throat, waking up gasping for air or with a choking sensation, or recurrent awakenings should be checked by your physician.
If you have questions such as how to use a neti pot or how to use essential oils, contact me at
To a restful, peaceful and quiet sleep…
Hari Om!